B2B Marketing

How to Gauge if Your B2B SaaS Startup Has Achieved Product Market Fit

Product-market fit is a phrase used to describe the point at which there is *broad* market acceptance for a new application. In recent years many startups have embraced the lean startup methodology as espoused by the likes of Eric Ries and Steve Blank. They argue that startups need to behave differently compared to how real companies do. Startups need to validate the assumptions they are making, and to do so they need to build a minimal viable product and to ‘get out of the building’ to meet prospects and to learn whether or not there is a demand for your fledgling application.

Supporting US B2B SaaS Companies Looking to Generate Sales in Europe

I recently had the pleasure of participarting in an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) discussion with members of the Cloud Software Association. The Cloud Software Association has over 2000+ members spanning the SaaS ecosystem including SaaS vendors, platforms, API services, resellers, distributors, and investors.